Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Using Key Words in Articles

Learning how to expand on the ease of link placements within your articles can bring in more traffic as well as increase you readership and profits.

I have received a lot of e-mails asking me for advice on how to make an article easier for the publishers to place ad links into the body of that which I write. I am no expert on any of this and for me, most of my experiences and lessons learned have come from trial and error, as well as some in-depth research into the subject at hand.

I write a lot of articles on Spirituality, Holistic Medicine, Love, Relationships, Education Nature, Family, Romance and Creative Writing. So to make it easier to place ad links for the publishers of my creations, I first think about how I can find and use powerful key words, which, with great ease can be placed in my soon to be written article. Sometimes this comes easily and with little effort on my part as I have had several years to practice my writing craft. “Practice really does make perfect”, However, there have been many occasions where I was totally at my wit’s end and couldn’t for the life of me come up with what I needed to find and use to make my articles really pop or stand out in the crowd, so to speak.

I decided that I should research ways in which I could make this task a little easier and less time consuming on my part. I set about “brain storming” and came across some really amazing tools that allowed me to accomplish the task at hand. “Key Word Generators” can be found on the Internet with great ease. Search Engines such as Yahoo and Google Dot Com also the Ad-sense program have key word generators built into their sites that allow the person/persons wishing to place ads to expand on their advertisements by typing in the name of the goods or services they wish to advertise while creating their ad.

The generators compile a list of key words that the web surfing consumer is most likely to click on concerning the niche in which your products or services fall into. An example of this could be say, “Home Based Businesses,” the generator might come up with a list such as this: self employment, business, home based business, wealth, money, income, freedom, success and investment. This is just a sample and not necessary the words that are considered the best to use. However, some very easy links to ads can be placed in your creation once you submit it to say Triond for example.

You can also use these words in the Tags portion of your submit an article as well. The more links in your articles the higher the chance of producing a stream of income. This has worked for me very well. Also once you have published your articles post the links on other social sites you may have such as Dig, twitter, Buzz, etc.

Hope this has been helpful in some small way to all the new people coming to Triond and sites of this nature. If you have questions do not be afraid to ask the other writers here; they are a great and valuable source to have as friends and will help if approached for the most part. In closing, anyone in stumble or on Triond and the other blogging sites that use twitter, please add me as a “follower” and I will do the same for you. Also if you like someone’s article click on their subscribe links. This way you don’t miss anything they publish.

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree that it is not easy finding the perfect key word for articles. A great key word will help the crawlers direct traffic to your article as well as your site. This is really informative information and helpful to those of us that do not have your talent at writing and peek at the keys pounding out an article.


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